What can we do for you


Duties of our wait staff include, Table and buffet set-up and break down. Serving food, beer and wine.

All around Helper

Duties include, Table and buffet set-up and break down of tables. Serving food, beer, wine and mixed drinks. Heating of food, light food prep and Bar back .


Mix cocktails, create cocktails upon request, manage portions and will not over pour, and manage your guests intake. Our Bartenders assist our staff with clean up as well when needed.


Our chefs can plan your menu or prepare your menu. All prep and cooking will be done in your home, or on site. They will serve and clean up. We can shop for you at an additional cost.

Chef Assistant

Duties include Assisting our Chef or the client. Food prep, warming, plating, and serving. They assist with clean up.


Our grillers will prepare and grill your food to perfection. We will also assist with all-around help.


Beyond the essentials, we offer additional services in the way of photography, catering, event coordination, officiant and video.